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Private Aufnahme und Bilder vom Stockportal Alle Bilder dieser Homepage unterliegen daher dem Urheberrecht der jeweiligen Fotografen.
Auch finden sich Bilder von einem freien Bildportal auf dieser Seite. Diese unterliegen dem Creative Commons CC0. Ist gegenteiliges der Fall bitte ich um eine Benachrichtigung und die Bilddaten werden daraufhin innerhalb von 5 Werktagen entfernt.
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Verantwortlich für Texte und Inhalte:
Kienzle1822 GmbH
Verantwortlich für Layout:
Kienzle1822 GmbH
Members of the WKOÖ
The content of the website, including images and the design of the website are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws, regardless of any marking.
Reproduction, distribution, reproduction and distribution and any other use, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts, images that can be accessed or used directly or indirectly from the website, is not permitted without the written consent of Krippl-Watches.
Image rights
Private pictures and pictures from stockportal All images on this website are therefore subject to the copyright of the respective photographer.
You can also find pictures of a free image portal on this page. These are subject to the Creative Commons CC0. If the opposite is true, we may ask for a notification and the image data will be removed within 5 working days.
This website also contains links or references to third party websites. Krippl-Watches assumes no responsibility or liability for external links. The content of linked pages are the sole responsibility of the operators themselves.
Responsible for texts and content:
Kienzle1822 GmbH
Responsible for layout:
Kienzle1822 GmbH